Monday, January 15, 2007

The Skies are Much Friendlier with One Sky

Monday's NY Times ran an article about One Sky, a company that runs a private jet membership program in which members can either prepay for their flying or pay as they go. While the prices might still be considered steep by some - a one-way from Newark to Tampa in a light jet started at around $5300 - they certainly beat the costs associated with owning your own jet.

The charter airplane market isn't exactly new, but One Sky is making it easier to get a slightly deeper discount by allowing people to reserve an "empty leg" - a return trip for a plane that's only been reserved one-way, similar to a cruise's repositioning trip. Their website has an easy search engine allowing you to look up available empty legs. We won't go into all the nuts and bolts here - the article sums it up quite nicely and One Sky's website is very simple to use - but we thought it was worth a mention. At the prices you might pay for the whole family to fly anyhow, the comfort and convenience of a private jet could well be worth the higher price tag. If you've flown with One Sky, let us know what you think...


Anonymous said...

With all the recent coverage of commercial airplanes sat on runways for hours - leaving passengers "hostage" with little food etc - it certainly starts to make you think about private flying. There are a variety of options out there, and chartering is the easiest way to get started.

Leian Elizabeth Welch said...

Most definitely. I cannot even imagine sitting on a runway for TEN HOURS - furthermore pregnant and with a toddler, with overflowing toilets and nothing but blue potato chips as food. I would be suing the hell out of JetBlue right now. Perhaps the only good thing to come out of this is that Congress is now considering a bill that would force airplanes back to the gate if they have been on the tarmac for more than 3 hours, and also to carry enough food to cover 3-hour delays. I hope it passes because for too long passengers have been at the whim of the airlines and it has only gotten worse after 9/11 - you show the slightest bit of anger or frustration at incompetence or miscommunication and next thing you know you're not being allowed to fly because you're a potential "danger".